On 10/12/05, Christian Montoya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/9/05, Lea de Groot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 10/12/2005, at 1:20 AM, matt andrews wrote:
> > > Hi Lea,  I completely agree.  Google have somehow developed a blind
> > > spot when it comes to meeting even the basics of current web
> > > standards.  As an exercise, I just threw together a valid version of
> > > the Google Search page:
> > >
> > > blog entry:
> > > http://tbp.xomerang.com/?p=18
> > >
> > > example page:
> > > http://xomerang.com/testpages/google/validGoogle.html
> >
> > Hey, cool stuff! :)
> > I thought about doing that, but decided I didn't have time.
> > Interestingly, comparing the two pages in
> > http://www.websiteoptimization.com/services/analyze/
> > shows the original is *slightly* lighter (but I bet you could beat
> > that by removing more carriage returns, same as the original)
> > Hmmm... the javascript isn't there... I wonder if it would add much
> > weight - I wonder if its reused on other pages.
> > I don't think the comparision is valid without it. :(
> >
> > Lea
> Matt's example has more text, which explains the difference... and
> imagine if the CSS and JS were in an external file... how often do
> people reuse Google throughout the day? If all those users cached the
> files, we're talking about drastic reductions in Google's bandwidth.
> It wouldn't be hard at all to lighten the page... but we knew it was a
> good idea even before the example.

Quite right - I had started with a heavier version of the page than
the default, with Google Desktop, signed in to account, etc., which
added a bit of text and Javascript.  Now I've done a new version,
based on the simpler page that the W3C validator gets back from

Invalid (original) page (with just 21 chars added to get a full url
for the logo image):
http://xomerang.com/testpages/google/invalidGoogle.html   (2,654 bytes)

Updated valid page, based on the above:
http://xomerang.com/testpages/google/validGoogle.html  (1,953 bytes)

I retained the one-line Javascript in the head, but all styles are in
an external CSS file:
http://xomerang.com/testpages/google/validGoogle.css (636 bytes)

So even for a one-off request, with no cached CSS, the valid version
is 2589 bytes - *still* lighter weight than the current invalid
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