liorean wrote:

Consider the entire site. Or at least the search part
of it. You probably want to create one stylesheet file and one
javascript file for the entire thing, probably sent compressed if
client supports it, so it gets cached and not requested again in that
browser session.

Also, how many users access the main page once but searches several
times in a row, or move beyond the first listing page? How many access
it from the Google bar or browser search fields instead of coming
through the main page?  The main page is just a part of the
application, not the whole thing.

These considerations probably make CSS layout an even better choice
for reducing bandwidth consumption.
David "liorean" Andersson

There's no doubting the arguments here, but you are dealing with large organisations. Anyone who has worked within one of these large organisations as a web developer knows not to raise these issues or else they could find themselves without a job, even if their intention is only to benefit the organisation.

Zeldman pointed out Yahoo's problems in DWWS, but it had little impact. *Jakob* Nielsen was utilised as the usability design person for Google's initial design, which has changed little from it original. I don't know if he's still on their payroll.

Even take a look at an organisation like Telstra and it's implementation of Standards ( They have at least put an effort into this, but the people on this list will see the flaws in it's implementation, and it's assumptions. This movement has been going on for half a decade at Telstra, and the version 6 templates are at least 4 years old.

It's almost impossible to effect these types of changes in these organisations, unless you have a position of authority. The only way to do it (so far) is to lead by example, and when there is enough evidence of good standards design implementation, then these large organisations may be willing to adapt best of practices.

Geoff Deering
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