Al Sparber wrote:
> While it's usually best if you can lay out a page without tables,
> tables and CSS are not mutualy exclusive. Tables are not the opposite
> of CSS :-). This scenario also separates presentation from structure:
> markup:
> <table><tr>
> <td id="content">
> Main content
> </td>
> <td id="sidebar">
> Sidebar
> </td>
> </tr><table>

> Of course, it's just as easy to use DIVs and sometimes even to use
> nothing :-)

I see your point and I think it is valid re: presentation/sctructure, but
IMHO CSS Driven means that CSS is used to "manipulate" the layout. #content
and #sidebar could look like 2 sidebars, or a footer and header. </plug>

I also like Christian's simple definition:
"Because when you turn CSS off, there's no styling, other than the browser

Thierry |

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