José Kusunoki Gutiérrez wrote:
I want to know why in IE my side bar is wrong i mean the bullets are not in the rigth place, and when i see it in Firefox its ok... is there a css hack that i need for IE?

No-one can possibly offer you any useful advice on how to solve this problem because you haven't provided a link, we can't see the problem for ourselves, we don't know what styles you have applied and thus have no idea what may be causing the issue in IE.

It may be a simple case of making sure you set the margin and padding on the ul and li elements, as they do have different default values in different browsers. It could be a double-margin float bug. It could be one of many thousands of IE bugs.

Start at position is everything, look through the IE bugs and see if you can find one that resembles your problem. If not, provide much more information about your page. A link to the page is the most useful.

PD: Sorry about the last message that i sent it had the wrong subject 

It's not a good idea to start a new thread by replying to another message in a completely unrelated thread. Simply changing the subject and deleting the quote (Both of which you initially failed to do.) isn't good enough either, since the message may still contain headers that indicate which thread it's in. Always start a new thread by creating a new message.

Lachlan Hunt

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