Vlad Alexander said:
> Thanks for sharing that with us. Can you please let me know the
> source of this info? Anybody else have an opinion on this?

... This is a long summary, but was well received by our testers. It may
be useful to note the comment from an accountant on a WCAG discussion
started by Terrence Wood:
“In fact, the summary may need to be even more detailed and longer…
Without a summary for guidance, one can spend several minutes trying to
decipher the content in a complex table and get very very frustrated. But
a summary that explains the structure allows one to build a mental model
of the table and understand the content as one navigates it. At times one
might have to revisit the summary but that is OK.” (Sailesh Panchang,
Deque Systems, on w3c-wai-ig, 1 October 2005)

Source - Report on html data tables prepared for the New Zealand Treasury
by AccEase Ltd, October 2005.

The important point is helping develop a mental model, hence the "draw
what you hear" exercise I mentioned earlier.
kind regards
Terrence Wood.

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