Marco van Hylckama Vlieg wrote:

In 1 or 2 months I'll be launching a redesign and the site will probably comply again. After that the same thing will probably happen
 again. Such is life. It doesn't have much to do with incompetence or
 lack of respect for standards. It's a focus thing really.

Just my five cents!

I'll add to your five cents, and don't think I'll have any problems with
your site either as long as it is working well :-)

One question though: are those buttons important enough at any stage?

I personally see standards as 'the best tools available' - not as 'rules
of law'. I use standardized tools for all they are worth, to achieve
what I want as many visitors as possible to experience. I rarely ever
claim perfect adherence to standards since such a claim won't help any
visitor in itself - even if it is true.

That's my last five cents - I'm broke now :-)

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