Todd Baker wrote:
On 02/02/06, Lachlan Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You're assuming the background image will arrive.  What happens if
someone has images turned off?  You should specify a background colour
as well.

Yes indeed we are adding a background colour that its "close" to the graphic.

But you stated that the text is unreadable until the text arrives. The background colour is obviously not suitable.

Is there any logic I can apply (ordering CSS etc) that will affect the
order the browser requests and downloads background images?
Browsers would likely request images in the order that they are
required, though there is no guarantee of this.  If the markup for the
navigation appears last in the markup, then due to incremental
rendering, it is likely that the images required to render it will be
downloaded near the end.  If it's at the top of the markup, then it
seems logical that it would be downloaded near the beginning.

Thats what I would of thought but the list for this nav is right at the top..

Is there a URI so that we may see the page and this effect occurring?

Lachlan Hunt

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