I'm going to stick my neck out here folks...

PDF presentation on the web is getting better. Example: http:// www.bamagazine.com/?Click=40472 I tried to download one of the pdfs (in Safari 2.0.3) and it opened instead. I actually preferred reading it in Safari to opening Acrobat and reading it there. Surprised myself.

I wouldn't want pdf to supplant HTML web pages, but for those visually complex documents/presentations that don't work well in HTML, I can see a use for pdf display in the browser. And Adobe is adding accessibility aids (depends on the designer to implement them though). I think I prefer this to Flash. Soon, I'm afraid we'll see lots of Flash and pdf combined, so get ready. One day you may wish there were more plain pdfs, instead of whatever hybrid Flash/pdf becomes.

Best regards,

Marilyn Langfeld

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