I would recommend using the XHTML 1.0 Transitional DTD instead of HTML 4.01 - for the simple reason that there is a bit more tolerance for user-friendly options but you are following the XML standards of lower case tags and attributes, all tags being closed, preferably CSS for positioning but tables can be used when you just can't quite get that alignment, etc

Do the validation of your web pages - Mozilla Firefox Extensions can help with this - and your pages can be easily updated to a XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD. You could even look at moving to XHTML 1.1 Strict DTD, or whatever the current standard has moved too, when you develop your skills and understanding.

The Mozilla Firefox extensions (all under the developer section) I use to help with validation are: 

View formatted source
View Rendered Source Chart
Web Developer
HTML Validator (uses HTMLTidy)

I recommend these to all the students I teach web design and I even give the students an XHTML template that uses CSS (embedded to keep it all together but that is easily converted to a linked CSS) to break the page up into Header, Horizontal Nav Bar, Left Nav Bar, Body, Right Ads Area and Footer. This template validates as XHTML 1.0 Transitional, Valid CSS and WAI. I can provide a link if you are interested John.


On 18/02/2006, at 11:18 AM, Gunlaug Sørtun wrote:

The choice of Transitional vs. Strict DTD doesn't affect tolerance
towards CSS - only html. A few less visitor-friendly and/or purely
presentational html elements are not accepted as part of Strict. The
html validator will tell you which ones...

If you want a _just a little_ bit of tolerance, then just avoid using an
xhtml DTD until you know the _whole_ difference between html and xhtml.
That may take some time, so just use HTML 4.01 Strict for now, and make
sure the source-code is all valid.

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