On 23/02/06, SunUp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >What is it about low quality that keeps you attracted?
> It's not that I'm "attracted" to it, I simply don't really care about it.
> I see those huge fancy flat screen monitors on high res, with all
> their kiddie-safe rounded corners and pastelly colours. They look like
> a Fisher-Price toy.

That sounds more like a complaint about the GUI. IMO, WinXP does have
a cartoonish look.

> At this res I can read everything without squinting or leaning forward
> or constantly upping the size in browsers because developers use teeny
> tiny text (I have 20/20 vision btw, no glasses, no contacts).

Before I needed reading/computer glasses (getting older!) I found it
preferable to see more -- more cells in a spreadsheet, more of a page
in a word processor, etc. That's why I set my 21" CRT to 1600x1200. I
still use that resolution with glasses and find it no harder to use
(without leaning forward or quinting) than reading a printed page.

But, of course, to each his (her) own.

> Incidentally, I also had to be bullied into getting a mobile phone
> (last year). Maybe I'm just a Luddite :)

I still do without one. I also resisted pagers (electronic dog
leashes) when they were in vogue. I don't need -- or want -- to be
available every moment of the day.

T. R. Valentine
Use a decent browser: Safari, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera
(Avoid IE like the plague it is)

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