Ummm, mickey - just spotted the fact that you have multiple identical IDs....
How does this work? Certainly won't validate..

R  :o)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Micky Mourelo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 8:08 PM
Subject: Re: [WSG] Semantic Form - Person's Title

Hi Richard,

I looked at your example. You need not use a fieldset for every
input. All you have to do is put the input inside the label, set the
label to block and a margin-left to the input; and save the fieldset
for a real field set. As for the title (Mr, Ms. etc) the thing to do
would be:

<fieldset class="radiooptions"><legend>Title</legend>
<label for="field"><input type="radio" id="field" name="" /><abbr
title="Mister">Mr.</abbr></label><label for="field"><input
type="radio" id="field" name="" /><abbr

In this case you would set the labels to inline.

But in reality I would recommend either forgetting about the legend
(p?), almost impossible to style, or to position:absolute it; not that
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