On 11 May 2007, at 13:10:28, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I don't see that this should be the case. For example, "Ltd" is a
common UK abbreviation for the word "Limited" in the context of a
"Limited Liability Company", such as "HyperGlobalMegaCorp Ltd."

Another example would be "Mr", which is an abbreviation of "Mister."
There are plenty more examples - in French, "Mlle" is an
of "Mademoiselle".

How would you expect a screen reader to speak these groups of
characters? (Regardless of what tag they appear in.)
I would certainly not expect an English-language based reader to keep a list of abreviations of all other foreign languages, so while a sighted
user _may_ recognise Mlle and speak it out loud (I wouldn't - never
learnt any French at school, fortunatly) it seems a very long leap for a
screen reader.


Tricky one :-)

I'm not sure whether screen readers have dictionaries of common abbreviations, although it appears that sometimes, even if they did, the Microsoft APIs would muck things up for them:


but, as that article shows, they - or at least Jaws, and I believe SuperNova - do allow for custom dictionaries; maybe a community effort could compile useful collections of such abbreviations for users to download.

As far as the case of something like "Mlle." is concerned, I would expect to mark it up as follows:

<abbr lang="fr" title="Mademoiselle">Mlle.</abbr>

and I think one could argue (contrary to my earlier assertion) that, in this kind of case, the abbreviation should be marked up using <abbr> for every occurrence, as that would hopefully allow screen reader users a seamless listening experience.

Once again, it looks like there are no hard and fast rules about how to handle these matters. Ah well, having to think about it is what makes it fun :-)


Nick Fitzsimons

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