> On Behalf Of Mike at Green-Beast.com

> > What about marking up "*" used in forms with ABBR elements?
> In your example you left the text instruction.
> > <p>Fields marked with * (asterisk) are required.</p>
> Thus I'd say further treatment is unnecessary. And if you change that
> by
> removing the text instruction, there's no guarantee the user will get
> the
> expansion. In fact, if what I understand is correct in that most screen
> reader users don't expland abbreviations, they would only get
> "asterisk"
> spoken to them. They might wonder what its significance is.

Hi Mike,
That's not what I understood from a recent discussion, I think they'd have
to listen to every expansion.
Also, if I left the instruction and provide expansion at the same time it is
because a user could get to the form control through an accesskey, thus
skipping that paragraph. 
And if I went with the expansion using "title" only (no plain text) then
sighted keyboard users would get nothing. 
As a side note, I still do *not* understand why it is not *required* to do
the expansion in plain text...
As a side note #2, I listened to Joe Clark yesterday and I believe he said
we should not even bother! 
> As an aside, if something of this sort was a viable solution, I would
> lean
> towards using the defining instance element, DFN, to mark this up.
> <dfn title="Require field">*</dfn>
> But the same issue applies to DFN as it pertains to the expansion of
> titles -- I think.
> That's my two cents, anyway. I'll be interested in what others have to
> say
> about this.

I don't think that would work. The specs say:
"The dfn element contains the defining instance of the enclosed term."
So you could not mark it up like this, it would have to be within the text
that defines it. At least that's how I understand it.

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com


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