On 2007/06/04 01:41 (GMT-0700) Paul Novitski apparently typed:

> At 6/3/2007 08:36 PM, Felix Miata wrote:

>>http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/Sites/ksc/dancesrqb.html is the same 
>>basic layout, but without breaking IE's font resizer, with no 
>>special treatment for antique browsers, and without disrespecting the
>>visitor's choice of font size.

> In Firefox 2, when the window width becomes too narrow and/or the 
> text size becomes too large to allow the headline "The Dancer's 
> Product Resource" to fit on one line, the headline wraps around with 
> such a high line-length that the new line overlaps the content below 
> the header.

I knew that, but didn't get around to deciding what, beyond the title text I 
added, if anything, to do about it before the hour got any later last night, 
and I wanted to resurrect the thread before
another night slipped by.

I also noticed that in IE7 the part seen as overlap in FF simply disappears.

Note that by the time that happens that the line length to viewport width 
relationship is pretty well deteriorated. That is, #primarycontent text is down 
to about 6 words per line, and less than about
40% or so of the viewport width. When that size is reached it is more than 
double the *size* most web designers think is appropriate for web page content. 
IOW, from the ~12px size most designers seem
to think is appropriate for a 800x600 resolution full screen window, it takes 
about an 18px default (or text zoom equivalent) for it to not fit. 18px is 
actually ~9pxX18px for a 162px character box,
while 12px is actually ~6pxX12px for a 72px character box, making 18px 225% of 
the size of 12px. Proportionally the impact is the same as the actual default 
size and viewport size are increased.

Overlapping text is a definite no-no, so I've set the overflow to hidden in the 
current version. That makes FF seem to behave like IE.

The question remains what, if anything, to do about that missing H1 content.

One option is to simply dismiss it as a problem of inadequate consequence. As 
grounds to support this option:
1-Its title text contains the missing portion.
2-It's really only a subtitle to the real title contained in the graphic.
3-The dearth of people who actually need such giant text in proportion to the 
viewport width would likely be satisfied that the meat of the page is fully 

Another option would be to use JS to remove the graphic, reduce H1 font-size, 
and/or remove the added H1 letter-spacing when some chosen ratio of font-size 
to viewport width is found to be exceeded.

The option I prefer is in the alternate stylesheet reachable from the view menu 
of the browsers that offer direct alternate stylesheet support - dispensing 
with the viewport width constraint entirely.
I suspect most who choose truly giant text have little or no problem with 
horizontal scroll as long as the scroll isn't necessary to easily use the 
primary content.

My original fluid revision of the original author's Homestead Sitebuilder 
original <http://dancesrq.homestead.com/> is at: 
Last night's version without alternate stylesheet remains temporarily at: 
Current version: http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/auth/Sites/ksc/
"Respect everyone."     I Peter 2:17 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/

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