> On Behalf Of David Dorward

> > http://www.tjkdesign.com/articles/toggle_elements.asp
> Despite the claims of the article, using document.write() will not
> work in XHTML[1] documents. Browsers don't support it in XHTML mode.

You mean served with an application/xhtml+xml MIME type, but AFAIK, the
article doesn't claim this. 
It simply says: "This script should work in HTML and XHTML documents". 
As a side note, it also says:
"Earlier versions of this script did not use document.write(), I was using
the DOM to plug the stylesheets in the HEAD element. Unfortunately, setting
the rel attribute of the LINK element makes Safari "go blank" and STYLE
fails in IE Win. So, I decided to go with what works!"

Anyway, IMO people who know enough to serve an XHTML document with a
different MIME type depending on browsers, should be more concerned by my
use of "innerHTML" in there than by document.write() ;-)

Thierry | www.TJKDesign.com

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