Generally I use print stylesheets to handle all my print views, but I'm
working on an application that after they enter form data we're going to
offer them a print view that shows the data in a format that is the
"legal"style (I deal with mandates).

To do this I'm going to offer a link styled as a button that states  "Print
View Window"  so it's clear that I'm opening a new window.  My pages are
XHTML strict, tableless CSS and meet all the accessibility rules, actually I
went ahead and adjusted them to  WCAG Samurai Errata, and I'm using no hacks
or js at this time (it's a java ap).

I'm finally getting to my question on the best way to open a new window for
this now that the target tag isn't an option.  what are the suggested ways
to do this now and keep my pages clean?

I've read Berea St who is adamant on using js if you have to have a window,
though stating it should be avoided, and others who are just as opposed and
recommended only pure css pop-ups - which I don't want since i want full
browser menus for the user.

Thanks in advance -

Susan R. Grossman

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