On 2007/08/07 20:38 (GMT+0100) Alastair Campbell apparently typed:

> You could take Jacob Neilsons finding that small fonts were the most 
> popular 'mistake' as proof that people don't know how to change their 
> settings

Or you could take it as proof that web designers as a group have perfect
vision, and fail to understand normal web users as a group do not have
perfect vision, resulting in fonts on web pages just right for most web
designers and too small for most others.

> We are caught in something of a catch-22, as so many sites use small 
> fonts compared to the default, or simply reducing the default because so 
> many people don't know how to change it.

Nielsen isn't the only one who has observed that designers impose text sizes
smaller than the rest of the world prefers or requires. Note the first data
point on "Fixing The Web":

"Millions of people cannot participate fully online because most Web sites
are built for people with perfect vision and the manual dexterity needed to
operate a mouse." http://xhtml.com/en/future/fixing-the-web-1/
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 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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