On Sun, September 9, 2007 4:33 pm, Michael Yeaney wrote:
> I find it interesting that everyone responding to this thread has failed
> to
> mention one very important aspect of any design-for-accessibility debate:
> Until you actually test it with a target audience/persona (i.e., someone
> who
> actually **is** blind), we're all just guessing at the relative importance
> of the issue at hand.  Keep in mind, that some may hear the page read
> aloud
> and think 'Sheesh - enough with the graphics descriptions that keep
> interrupting the text flow of the page'...

> Mike

Sorry, I thought it had been made pretty clear that you should add images
and their corresponding alt-text appropriately, i.e. they should NEVER
interrupt the flow of the page.

To write inappropriate alt-text is wrong and is against the guidelines -
which is to use alt-text to provide an alternative to essential
information in images which is not provided elsewhere and to use null
alt-text where they don't contain such information (unless being used as a
structural element).

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