On Wed, October 3, 2007 11:18 pm, Chris Wilson wrote:
> I think my point is being missed entirely. I completely support standards
> and accesability...

This is patently untrue.  You have no concept of accessibility and the
standards and why they exist.

>Should target improve their site?
> Yes. Should the be required to by a court? No.

It's not required by the court - it's required by law.  The court is just
administering the legislation which has been enacted by national
government to help bring about a fully democratic society.

> Which idea of accessability should be imposed?

Don't you even know this?  See http://www.w3.org/WAI/ for a clue.

(aside) Regardless of accessibility issues, target.com is very bad site
and full of coding errors.  I wouldn't advise anyone to carry out
financial transactions through it.

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