Quoting Or Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

First things first. I am a complete and total grammar snob; I think it is because I see myself as a designer. Punctuation is important, as is spacing and capitalisation. They do not hinder you, contrary, they promote your argument, as it makes you seem educated and reasoned.

This entire thread seems to have lost all proper respect for our poor punctuation. It's disgraceful.

Secondly, I agree with Tony. We create a government to create a social fabric we are happy with. Are we happy with children being exploited, for example, are we happy with children under the age of six spending all day in a mine? No? Then we legislate against it, and all have to abide by it. That is point of a government.

Accessibility is about recognising everyone's difference. We all have differing capabilities and needs. Accessibility is ensuring a giving environment where everyone is welcome, regardless of those needs. So we legislate accessibility to promote a mannerly interaction with other members of our community.

it doesn't mean the law should force them to do it.

What should the law force them to do? How about treating their workers carefully? Protecting their safety? What about race? Is it OK that some businesses will supply goods and services to some races, but not to others? What about gender? Is it OK to discriminate based on gender? If you say no to these ideas, why say discrimination based on ability is OK?

Yes, there should be moral and legal compulsion, on all, to do the correct thing. What sort of community do we want to live in?

As far as I was aware, this is a web standards list, and accessibility is but one of the many standards. Those who are pro-standards are also pro-accessibility.


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