Hi Simon,

You're most welcome!

With this method, turning off scripting in a browser/user agent lets the
nested lists degrade gracefully, and all are exposed. 

Something else you may find useful - besides the expand/collapse image placed
left of an expandable list item , I also place a link state symbol to the
right of the link text. The changing and persisting of the symbols is
controlled by the anchor link pseudo classes in an external stylesheet. This
is to aid hard-of-seeing, color blind and memory disabled users to know if a
link is unvisited, visited or being focused on/hovered over.

Yes, I've seen flickering occur (on refresh, for example) on pages that have
numerous images embedded in them with the <img /> element, along with the
script we're talking about. Please see Chris Knowles message referring to
Dean Edwards solution to this. Thanks Chris.

I'll email you the package and please do what you like with it, maybe improve
it. I'm always willing to learn and progress.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Simon Cockayne
Sent: Monday, 29 October, 2007 13:24 PM
To: wsg@webstandardsgroup.org
Subject: [WSG] Re: WSG Digest

Hi Frank,

Thanks for feedback.

* What happens with CSS/Javascript disabled?

WCAG 1.0, rightly, wants graceful degradation of CSS/Javascript is
disabled...and so do I.

So...*without* using an alternate page...(e.g. a text only
ghetto...scary)...I'd like my (X)HTML-only page to give all the menu

So...I tinkered with:

A) Showing *all* options in the (X)HTML content...so they *will*
appear expanded and therefore usable with just (X)HTML.

B) Then I use external (unobtrusive) Javascript window.onload to
remove (via DOM Scripting) all the L2 elements*...this works...but I
do see an initial "flicker"..i.e you can discern the original page
momentarily and then the L2 items being removed.

*Then I set up eventhandlers for the L1 items...so that L2 is added by
DOM scripting.

Have you come across this "flickering" problem...is there a better
way? Can I remove the DOM elements before they are displayed?

And...yes, please - I'd love to get the zip.

I will try to upload an example of my approach and send you the URL
one evening this week.


From: Frank Palinkas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 07:06:11 +0200
Subject: RE: [WSG] Toggle L2 menu items (within WCAG)

Hi Simon,

I’m working on a similar issue using unobtrusive DOM/JavaScript to produce
the expand/collapse effect of nested unordered list items in a navigation
tree structure. This method (related containers) allows activation by both
mouse and keyboard, and the expanded nested list items remain open until
collapsed by the user. All DOM/Javascript is external to the structure layer
of the web page, along with event handlers and presentation layer styles. Gez
Lemon, from The Paciello Group (hi Steve), was instrumental in helping me get
the DOM/JavaScript sorted out â€" he is absolutely brilliant. There is still
some work to do on it, but the initial behavior layer is working properly.
This is definitely not the only way to accomplish this, but I thought It may
add to the suggestions being made by other list members. I can email you a
small zipped sample project folder for your inspection and possible use, if
you feel this may help. Please let me know?

Kind regards,

Frank M. Palinkas
Microsoft M.V.P. - Windows Help

W3C HTML Working Group (H.T.M.L.W.G.) - Invited Expert

M.C.P., M.C.T., M.C.S.E., M.C.D.B.A., A+

Senior Technical Communicator

Web Standards & Accessibility Designer

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