
on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 13:50 Web Standards Group wrote:

> On 15/11/07 (11:15) Ross said:

>>    document.write
>>    inline event handlers (like onclick)
>>    browser sniffing
> In summary, then, does anyone recommend me hanging onto Visual
> Quickstart Guide: JavaScript and Ajax (6th Ed.) or should I just ditch
> it and buy Jeremy Keith's Dom Scripting book instead?

If you are just starting, you should read a book for beginners that
introduces you to to language and it's structure. Learn about objects,
functions, "datatypes", control structures ...

If you find one of the keywords, that Russ listed before, your
alarm bells should ring. Keep on reading, but start thinking why this
is bad. (You can always return to the list and ask...)

Once you feel familiar with the language, switch to Jeremy's book.
It's very well written, but you should have an idea how JS works. You
will find the answers to your questions in this book.

When you know about JS and DomScripting it's time to jump on the
AJAX-train, but not before you know the basics.

Good luck!



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