Michael Horowitz wrote:

In the free market their tends to be high and low quality products based on the price the buyer wishes to pay. You can buy a Lexus or you can by Kia. All transactions are between a willing buyer and seller.

Only until you get to a situation of oligopoly or monopoly. Then, the quality of the product and its price often bear no relation. In that environment, products are not allowed to thrive on quality - even a remarkably better product can be squashed simply because of the stranglehold of the few or single dominant company/companies. Which, in the end, hurts the general consumer population as a whole, and can have ramifications that go far beyond just the market (politics, for instance).

But hey...Atlas shrugged, and so do I, as this isn't the right list for this sort of discussion. I'm just amazed that, for once, this wasn't triggered by the topic of accessibility...

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.]
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