John Faulds wrote:
> I can't see that flying. Is anyone going to ask Apple to stop shipping

> their OS with Safari?

It may no longer be the case, (since there is no supported version
available) but Apple DID include Internet Explorer on all Apple Mac's,
even when Safari became available. What's more, it is perfectly possible
to remove it completely if required. If Apple were required to do so,
then I don't personally believe they would have much objection to
including Camino/FireFox as an optional install, and suggestions to the
contrary are merely a distraction from the main question, which is
whether MS should be allowed to abuse their dominant position to the
detriment of the general (un-educated) consumer. 
99% of this case has already been tried by the EU, with regard to Media
Player(s) so I strongly suspect this will be settled out of court.


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