On 2008/02/25 10:31 (GMT-0500) Andrew Maben apparently typed:

> I'm almost done with a site redesign, and the time is right to ask  
> for your opinions: http://beta.www.aclib.us
> for comparison, the current site is: http://www.aclib.us
> Of course accessibility is important, and this is where your insights  
> and criticisms can be especially helpful.

> http://www.andrewmaben.net

It's quite a bit better than its close neighbor http://www.ufl.edu/ and
better in some ways than the original, but worse in others. I really don't
like the artificial width constraint that the original lacks. Width should
only be constrained to less than 100% of the window width to the extent wider
would produce too long line lengths for comfortable reading. There's no
chance of that on the new page, while quite a bit of it looks
over-constrained without enlarging the text, and most of it does with text

The other problem is the same as most of the web, too much too small text.
Nearly right smack dab in the middle of above the fold content is what looks
like primary content, yet it's shrunken to the size of UI text, smaller than
the menu text, creating the inference that it's less important than other

Most of the text-in-image content is illegible or nearly so on median or
higher resolution displays. Those using the most expensive laptops will not
be pleased at the mousetype effect of africanamerican_history_onli.gif
hot_topics/webfeat.jpg or the last line of acld_Logo.gif. Foreground images
can and in many cases should be scaled up to match surrounding text, and
these are some of those cases. At least the original is blatantly up front
about enabling large enough to read text.

Here's a screenshot of a typical moderately high resolution environment:
and the setup source:

The main branch used to be about a 10 minute walk from where I lived. If I
still lived just a bit closer I might be inclined to ride over to the main
branch, find the manager, and complain about waste of money on a redesign
that doesn't amount to much readily apparent improvement. Maybe its only real
goal is to get people in to read printed material that doesn't suffer from
the web's normally too small text, but if that's it, the address and phone
number should be at least as big as it is in the phone book. :-p
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one
and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall
not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

Felix Miata  ***  http://mrmazda.no-ip.com/

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