On 19-Mar-08, at 11:26 PM, cto wrote:

I ran the css validator on the page you linked to. It shows a number of errors. The specific comments of concern are:

Property -moz-border-radius doesn't exist :  15px
Property -webkit-border-radius doesn't exist :  15px
Property border-radius doesn't exist in CSS level 2.1 but exists in [css3] : 15px

According to both the CSS 2.1 and the CSS 3 pages, vendor specific extensions were _built_ to use an invalid start character (the dash "-"). This was to avoid vendor specific extensions 'clashing' with future 'official' names/properties. As a result, the use of any vendor- specific extensions will cause a CSS validator to flag them as errors.

 - Rahul.

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#vendor-keywords
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-syntax/#vendor-specific

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