On 13 May 2008, at 11:39, jay wrote:

If you make the height:100% then it is 100% of the parent - since your flash file does not stretch to the that height the background shows which you have declared as white: var so = new SWFObject("main.swf", "main", "100%", "100%", "8", "#ffffff"); <------****

You need to either make the background black or set the height of #flashcontent to the height of the flash content.

On 13 May 2008, at 17:49, Laert Jansen wrote:

the problem isn´t the color of that area........is that that area shouldn´t exist..........I left it white on purpose just to show the area apart from the rest...


What Jay was saying (I think) is that your SWFObject setup is coded to go full screen. Your flash file (778 x 560 px) will scale to fit but only with it's original height:width ratio. So unless your browser viewport is precisely the same ratio of heigh to width as the flash file, you will get 'dead space' either top and bottom or on each side. Like if you watch a widescreen film on a traditional-size (4:3) TV, you get black bands top and bottom.

Rick Lecoat

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