
I am trying to work out whether a Rich Text File is considered accessible, to the extent that Australian federal government agencies must provide electronic documents in an accessible format.

RTF is owned by Microsoft, but most word processors can read it. Apparently if styles are used correctly, RTF files can be used well by screen readers. Also, section 2.3 of the World Wide Web Access: Disability Discrimination Act Advisory Notes (from 2002, mind you) on the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission website (http:// hreoc.gov.au/disability_rights/standards/www_3/www_3.html) suggests that RTF is considered acceptable.

Any views?

Jessica Enders
Formulate Information Design
Phone: (02) 6116 8765
Fax: (02) 8456 5916
PO Box 5108
Braddon ACT 2612

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