> I think your misunderstanding lies earlier than my last post.
> If someone wishes to use an <abbr> tag in the way that it was intended
> by the spec, then that is perfectly acceptable, obviously. If their
> scripting then fails in IE they have three clear choices - write a more
> robust script, change their HTML, or ignore the stupid browser - I think
> most people would recommend the former, but many people have _chosen_
> not to make use of <abbr>
> If someone decides to miss-use a fieldset, by exploiting a weakness /
> loophole in the spec then that is dubious at best.
> If that then breaks an existing script, I think most people would
> recommend that the HTML is corrected.
> My point was, that if even one browser does break, due to the browser
> following the perceived _intention_ of the spec, then that is a big deal
> - for this particular instance - and having a few that pass is not
> entirely relevant.

Hi Mike,
Thanks for clearing things up :)
I think what you call a "loophole" is where we don't agree. Imho, authors
may interpret the specs as much as they want, but browsers should "obey"
DTDs no matter what; hence if the DTD allows the use of fieldset outside of
forms, then browsers should "deal with it" (and not break script).

Thierry | http://www.TJKDesign.com

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