Ted Drake skrev:
Slightly off topic...
There is a really good Wordpress template/plugin that detects the very
specific user-agent for iphone and touch and changes your theme to an iphone
specific layout.

There is a plethora of such solutions covering most major PHP-frameworks, RoR, etc. That is the really scaring part! However, I suspected that most people on this list would stay away from that solution. I thought that on this list that would be well understood by now.

Then I saw that even so called standrads aware developers started to use "iphone" as part of the URL instead, which IMO is perheps less evil. But only by a few degrees.

Sure, it's arguable if you should design for a particular appliance.
However, they've done the work for you and it works great, although a bit
generic in look and feel. You can always make adjustments to the theme for

No it is not "arguable". Within the web standards aware community this argument has been settled!

Come on people. Can't you see that this is *EXACTLY* the arguments ´that were used in 1998 when people forked their code for MSIE and Netscape? It "worked". It really did. In the short term.

Developing with the iPhone in mind (not "for" the iPhone) really should mean nothing else than what it means to develop with e.g. Firefox 3.0 or Opera 9.5 in mind. You can take advantage of the advanced features, if you use them as progressive enhancement and capability test for them.

The only hard question is how you deal with what's *lacking* in the iPhone: A cursor and a pointer!

Ohh, it's from Apple, it's shiny, it has no buttons - what is 10 years of hard fought struggle for web standards worth in that perspective? Zilch. It seems.

Lars Gunther

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