>> I have an obsession with web form styling - I cannot stand ugly web form
>> :-)
>> Fieldset, label and input tags are enough for basic and nice styling, no
>> extra div needed.
>> <fieldset>
>>        <legend><span>Contact Information</span></legend>
>>                <label for=" "> xyz</label>
>>                <input id=" " type="checkbox" class="add-a-class" >
>> </fieldset>
>> That is for the site I have full control and know I will be the only one
>> updating the site. But if I make a template and the targeted users are
>> people who want to build their sites, then definitely bloated divs to
>> prevent customer service nightmare. I will even eliminate <legend> with a
>> clear conscious. Alas! IE and Opera are not kind to form elements.
>> tee

I use the same format as you do, but without the span in the legend.   take
it a step further though and give the form element itself and id and start
in my styles by calling that id.  First I define default styles for all
elements (I do use and believe in the css reset).  Then based on which form
it is, the attributes are adjusted as needed by the form id in the styles.
I have to consider accessibility since I do government stuff a lot, so
headings just don't do it.

   #FormID  #FieldsetID #whatever   {   whatever.... }

Susan R. Grossman

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