I know that most, if not possible to say all, Web page designers use
JavaScript for form validation. During a recent poll done by a few local
colleges, 41.2% of the people who responded stated that they would rather
not have to enable JavaScript, but on rare occasion they do for certain
sites that require JS for use of their forms to buy or sign up for
something. After reading this, I did some research, and could not find any
tag attributes for form elements that would not require the use JS for form

Therefore, I was wondering if it would be feasible to include a standard
that would use a syntax similar (does not actually *have* to be this way) to
selected="selected"? In which case, the syntax would be required="required".
Or, if it is an email input (i.e. Your e-mail address:<input type="text"
required="required; include:@" />).

Brett P.

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