A timely blog post by Andy...and this marks the third anniversary of the same issues being rehashed


though Ben Ward's efforts are to be noted...see


I guess I should make sure my parser handles those...

...btw looking at the examples draws attention to a big usability problem with so-called "human dates"... (which has little to do with microformats or markup .. its more a problem with culture and education)

If something like "February 9th" appears on a page is that really "human-friendly"? ..... what year is that? is it coming up ? ... or am I looking at an old page about something from last year? ...

Do you really want to hide a "machine date" when that may the only thing on the page you can use to tell what the date actually is?

It would certainly be nice if people were to learn to write "human" dates more clearly!

Lets ban those yearless dates, dd/mm/yyyy and mm/dd/yyyy sillyness and anything with two digit years!

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