
on Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 18:34 wsg@webstandardsgroup.org wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Nov 2009, David Dorward wrote:

>> On 4 Nov 2009, at 15:18, Stuart Foulstone wrote:
>> > Since links are inline elements, they shouldn't contain block elements,
>> > such as <div> and <p>.
>> > 
>> > Why not use <span> (native) inline elements?
>> Because it screws up the semantics.
>    SPAN, like DIV, has no semantic meaning; how can it screw it up?

Well if one changes from




 the problem remains. It is just shifted from the div to the h3 and p
 tags. So you would have to change these tags to spans too and that
 would screw up the semantics.

 I would do it like this:


 and make the first empty a display block and span the entire div. The
 other two a-Tags are fallbacks if css is turned off.

 It is more markup, but it validates. and the semantics are kept.




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