Hello John,

JU> I might suggest that 'double right arrow' is purely presentational and
JU> not 'semantically' relevant, so it's not such a good idea to muddy up
JU> the HTML with extraneous code. If you want to avoid using a background
JU> image you could write your CSS in a 'progressive enhancement' fashion
JU> by using the :after property on the list items. Of course browsers
JU> that don't understand that will not display the arrows.

Yeah, i know that the :after property doesn't work on all browsers,
that's why i've always used an image.

JU> As regards the question what does a screen reader do? I'm afraid I've no 

JU> I think this is best served with the image. One image in the CSS as
JU> opposed to multiple character codes in the HTML.

Yup, but a wanted to stray away from the tradional path ;-)

What i was worried about is the way how screen readers would
interprete it. Apart from the extraneous code, it would come in handy
as font sizing let's those tiny images (in my case it's a bread crumb
trail) be tiny on bigger font sizes....



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