On 7 Dec 2009, at 22:03, Jen Strickland wrote:

> Regarding how to present a poem, I've had to research this a few times and 
> another option was to use definition lists.  I hadn't discovered using the 
> pre element.  So I looked it up (below). It does seem like it could be a 
> perfect solution... hmmm...

I'd limit it's use to situations where white space was really significant (for 
example, a text in a book I have lurking around is about snakes, and formatted 
in the shape of a snake).

> W3C info: Preformatted text: The PRE elementPreformats text with fixed-width 
> font, preserves the given white-space and line-breaks, usually disables 
> automatic word-wrapping. Used in the code examples on this page, for example:
> <pre>
> <ul>

<!ELEMENT PRE - - (%inline;)* -(%pre.exclusion;) -- preformatted text -->

<ul> is not an inline element, so you can't do this.

David Dorward

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