Any bets we'll still be using HTML5 in 2018?

On Sat, June 12, 2010 4:16 pm, Sam Sherlock wrote:
>> Any bets for it being done in time to watch the 2018 World Cup on an
>> HTML 5
>> video feed?
> in a ie browser without any fudging?
> my initial response was only if Google are in position to take over
> Microsoft before that date, but...
> ie9: A New Hope?
> for the time being ie6 remains a significant number too me much as I wish
> it
> did'nt
> - S
> On 12 June 2010 12:42, Phil Archer <> wrote:
>> Again, interesting, stuff, Dave.
>> Concerning your remark:
>> > If I was Microsoft I'd be quite worried that the IT support pros,
>> > influencers and developers have such a different make-up than the
>> > mainstream.
>> I believe they are indeed concerned about this. AIUI they're a little
>> fed
>> up with the constant remarks on fora like this where we're broadly able
>> to
>> talk about "the standards browsers" and mean "every browser except IE
>> for
>> which, everyone knows you need to put in workarounds." IE9 is going to
>> take
>> a big step towards changing that with support for SVG, XHTML and more.
>> As for when IT departments get around to changing over to it, who can
>> say?
>> Any bets for it being done in time to watch the 2018 World Cup on an
>> HTML 5
>> video feed?
>> Phil.
>> Dave Lane wrote:
>>> For what it's worth, some of our non-techie sites (with much smaller
>>> user numbers, as they're focused on the relatively tiny New Zealand
>>> market) are showing a slightly rosier picture over the past month:
>>> Advocacy website for cyclists (4544 visits):
>>> IE:     41.57% (IE6-15.09% 7-37.96% 8-46.96%)
>>> FF:     40.29%
>>> CHROME:  9.09%
>>> SAFARI:  7.68%
>>> OPERA:   0.62%
>>> IE6 = 6.27%
>>> Sports clothing (28,337 visits):
>>> IE:     49.92% (IE6-13.8% 7-27.06% 8-59.11%)
>>> FF:     24.87%
>>> CHROME:  6.20%
>>> SAFARI: 17.82%
>>> OPERA:   0.77%
>>> IE6 = 6.88%
>>> Brewers website (3,300 visits):
>>> IE:     45.97% (IE6-10.42% 7-30.72% 8-58.87%)
>>> FF:     30.06%
>>> CHROME: 11.27%
>>> SAFARI: 10.03%
>>> OPERA:   1.03%
>>> IE6 = 4.79%
>>> Tourism operator (4,041 visits):
>>> IE:     54.84% (IE6-11.60% 7-28.07% 8-60.24%)
>>> FF:     26.73%
>>> CHROME:  4.80%
>>> SAFARI: 12.77%
>>> OPERA:   0.42%
>>> IE6 = 6.36%
>>> For contrast, here're the stats for a tech company.
>>> IT services and software dev company (3,050 visits):
>>> IE:     15.02% (IE6-8.52% 7-19.87% 8-71.62%)
>>> FF:     56.20%
>>> CHROME: 18.52%
>>> SAFARI:  5.48%
>>> OPERA:   2.82%
>>> IE6 = 1.28%
>>> If I was Microsoft I'd be quite worried that the IT support pros,
>>> influencers and developers have such a different make-up than the
>>> mainstream.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dave
>>> On 12/06/10 00:32, Lea de Groot wrote:
>>>> On 11/06/10 9:32 PM, Foskett, Mike wrote:
>>>>> I just took a peek at our own stats for May 2010.
>>>>> A very large set limited to UK online shoppers only.
>>>>> And I couldn't agree less with the article.
>>>> I have a couple of large .au 'mum and dad' sites (ie, not techie) and
>>>> I
>>>> have similar results to your .uk figures:
>>>> Internet Explorer    67.11%   Firefox            17.19%   Safari
>>>>    9.70%   Chrome            4.67%
>>>> with specific IE figures of
>>>> IE8.0    59.08%   IE7.0    28.46%   IE6.0    12.44%
>>>> ie IE 6 is at 8.3% overall - lower than your numbers, but still worth
>>>> testing for.
>>>> Interestingly, I have iphone/ipod numbers at 2.77% and rising fast - I
>>>> guess I better get those mobile versions up!
>>>> Lea
>> --
>> Phil Archer
>> W3C Mobile Web Initiative
>> @philarcher1
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