On 7/29/10 10:29 AM, tee wrote:
It's been quite a while I have to do a site using EM unit for the
layout width (with max/min-widths treatment), I am getting a shrunk
page in Safari.

In these two examples, the width is 62em which is around 992px
according to pxtoem dot com, but in Safari 5 it's around 871px in
actual size. First I thought maybe it's because I mixed the EM and %
(for left/content columns), so I did another test page using EM
only, still getting the same result.

EM and % http://greensho.nexcess.net/em-vs-px/em-width.html

EM only http://greensho.nexcess.net/em-vs-px/em-width.html

My monitor is 27" 2560x1440 resolution, but I don't think this is
the reason.

Can you confirm if you see the same?

FWIW - My laptop came set to 120 DPI. While Gecko renders 100% as 16px,
Opera and IE translate 1em as 20px.

I don't think there is any strict correlation between pixels and EMs.
There are just too many settings, OS and browser, that change the

(aside) I recently tried to use @media queries to alter a layout. I used
EMs to control the "tipping points." This works in conforming browsers,
but I notice that IE 9 preview ignores EMs - it only seems to work with
pixels. Hmm.


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