Dear all

In March 2001 Patrick Lambe of Straits Knowledge will be visiting Australia
and running his (absolutely fabulous) Taxonomy workshops.  I have known
Patrick for many years and he is the only person I know who can put the
language of taxonomies in lay persons terms and still get across the
technical detail.  I recently saw him in action at the Special Libraries
Association conference in New Orleans (June 2010) and he had the entire
audience spellbound. There were a number of people who came up to him
afterwards and told him the cost of the conference was worth it just for his
presentation (and this is a conference which attracts over 5,000 special
librarians from across the world).

This course is highly recommended (and not just for librarians - so bring
along others from your organisation who have responsibilities in the
taxonomy area - or even your managers who just don't get why taxonomies are
important and what it means for them).

Full details can be found on the event web site at

PS only 2 days left for early bird registration



Nerida Hart
HartKnowledge Consulting
PO Box 483
Queanbeyan NSW 2620
Phone +61 418 423 270
Skype neridahartau
Twitter neridahart

*Talkers have always ruled. They will continue to rule. The smart thing is
to join them (Bruce Barton)

Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
brought together. ~ Vincent van Gogh*

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