> Emulation software is never going to be 100% reliable for testing. An 

Sure, eventually I will get one (when such devices are cheap enough to buy
one outright without plans/debt/worry/etc)
...but until then I need *something* to use for testing.
(work doesn't yet understand that this is needed - so nothing I can use
there yet)

>iPod Touch will give you the same interface for web browsing as an 
>iPhone or iPad, while being less expensive than either and not requiring 
>a phone account. It will connect to any WiFi network.

Aren't those still $500 or so? (if so it would have to wait)

> You can download Apple SDK which has iPad and iPhone simulators, it should
be a good way to test whether the spry menu really has issue. So far I 
> haven't found any inconsistence >between the actual device and the
simulators, however nothing can be more accurate than testing the site from
> actual device.

Apple SDK only works on an intel Mac running a pretty recent version of OSX

There is also an Android simulator which is free and will run on windows or
linux but I found that one frustratingly slow to use.

I don't see how either if these would actually simulate touch screen
behaviour without a way to emulate the actual touch screen.

I think I need to look at what might be out there perhaps using:
Laptop Touchpad?
Multiple mice?
Home made touch screen?
...anything ... there must be a way...

However if the iPod Touch turns out to be under $150 or so I might just
consider getting one of those.

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