Hi all,

I just got a little burned by Chrome's new date popup for HTML date-type


   - Because when I wrote the original code, I hadn't read up on the new
   properties being added to HTML5 input types
   - Because I was using a js-based datepicker plugin to implement the same
   functionality and wasn't feature-detecting native date handling (except for
   mobile devices)
   - Because my JS expects a particular date format, and could only handle
   Australian dd/mm/yyyy or ISO8601-compliant date strings. This wasn't an
   issue before, because my JS datepicker controlled the format.

*How do I avoid making the same mistake?*
HTML5 implements a new property for input types that deal with date or time


This property is designed to solve your locale woes, and it is also an easy
way to feature-detect a browser's native support for the date input type. I
haven't gone through all current browsers yet, so if you do use this
method, make sure to check that none of your browsers support the property
without implementing a date picker.

.valueAsDate, as you might have guessed, returns the input's value as
a Dateobject. Here's a super-simple feature detect:

if ( !myElement.valueAsDate ) {
   // Implement my JavaScript datepicker

*The result*
Better usability! (and more robust date handling).

*For your convenience*
I have created a jsFiddle you can run on any browser to test the feature
detection: http://jsfiddle.net/h9jYB/5/

   - Opera 12: *Pass *(valueAsDate handling, datepicker present)
   - Chrome 20: *Pass *(valueAsDate handling, datepicker present)
   - Firefox 12: *Pass *(no valueAsDate handling, no datepicker)
   - IE8, IE9: *Pass *(no valueAsDate handling, no datepicker)

- James

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