On 30/08/2014 17:47, nick wrote:
Hi Nick,
> Mike, Bill thanks for the suggestions.  Played around with this today...
> Installed hamlib- (latest).
> Can toggle sdr-shell PTT via Hamlib NET rigctl using port 19090...
> $ rigctl -m 2 -r T 1
> $ rigctl -m 2 -r T 0
> Set up a TCP port redirector...
> $ stone -n 4532/tcp
> Can toggle sdr-shell PTT using port 4532 (assumed wsjt-x default...
> $ rigctl -m 2 T 1
> $ rigctl -m 2 T 0
> Left the redirector running and tried 2 versions of wsjt-x.
> wsjt-x v1.3r3673
> ================
> Enable CAT, Hamlib NET rigctl, Test CAT Control appears to fail because
> there is no way to specify the CAT hostname.  wsjt-x reports...
> Cannot get host "None": Unknown error.
> Is there anywhere else to specify the host e.g. wsjtx.ini?
I don't recall, there may be a way by editing the COM port name but I'm 
not certain.
> wsjt-x v1.4r4233
> ================
> Select CAT, Hamlib NET rigctl.  No host name or port number specified.
OK, you can select the non-default port if required but using the 
redirector should work too.
> Test CAT initially passed but then I clicked on the PTT Method dialog
> which is scrambled and grayed out and presumably changed the PTT
> settings!  Don't ask me why I did that.
OK, can you elaborate on "scrambled"? Also you should be able to change 
it back. Either way CAT is the correct PTT Method if you want to use the 
rigctld command for PTT.
> So Test CAT now fails...
> Hamlib error: Feature not available while getting PTT state
OK, this reveals a problem. I use the Hamlib capabilities table to 
determine which functions are available. This is OK for direct 
connections to back ends but via the network back end all functions 
report as available and only fail when you try and use them. I need to 
make some changes to allow for this. For now I have a version that will 
deal with the rig_get_ptt ("t" command) failing which I will check in in 
a while.
> wsjt-x reports...
> rig:rig_init called
> rig_set_conf: ptt_pathname='/dev/ttyS0'
> rig_set_conf: ptt_type='RTS'
> rig:rig_open called
> Cannot open PTT device "/dev/ttyS0"
> netrigctl_open called
> netrigctl_get_vfo called
> netrigctl_get_vfo called
> netrigctl_get_mode called
> netrigctl_get_vfo called
> netrigctl_get_freq called
> netrigctl_get_mode called
> netrigctl_get_split_vfo called
> netrigctl_get_ptt called
> rigctl: unknown command "t"     <<<--------
> rig:rig_close called
> netrigctl_close called
> rig:rig_cleanup called
> $ rigctl -m 2 t
> get_ptt: error = Feature not available
> Most of the CAT test appears to work using default host:port setting  (I
> assume localhost:4532).  But there is a problem with wsjt-x trying to
> use an unavailable feature of rigctl because I messed up the PTT settings.
> Where does wsjt-x store the PTT and other settings these days?  There
> doesn't appear to be a wsjtx.ini file any more.
The settings file still exists but is moved to a more suitable location 
for system installs. On Unix it lives in ~/.config and is called 
"WSJT-X.ini". It isn't quite a as user editable as before as many of the 
values are stored in Qt5 variant internal format. It is safe to delete 
key/value pair a line from the settings file to revert to the default 
setting. This should not be necessary any more. I need to work out what 
has latched up, if anything, as you should be able to change any 
configuration settings back via the GUI.
> 73
> Nick G3VNC
> On 29/08/14 17:34, Bill Somerville wrote:
>> On 29/08/2014 17:27, Michael Black wrote:
>>>> Or use a port redirector
>> If you are going to change the source and rebuild, you might as well
>> just build the latest development sources as that version already has
>> the facility to specify the host name and port number used for Hamlib
>> Net rig control via rigctld.
>>>> Mike W9MDB
>> 73
>> Bill
>> G4WJS.

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