On 22/03/2018 20:27, F6BHK wrote:
The server asks WSJT-X to initiate a response with this message:

2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X id : [000000064c4f47474552 size: 00000006] 2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X time : [0451ba68 -> 0451ba68 -> 20:07:45]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X snr : [ffffffef -> -17]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X deltatime : [3fd99999a0000000 -> 0.40000000596046] 2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X delta : [000006a7 -> 1703 Hz]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X mode : [000000017e]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X message : [0000000f4b31564b20463642484b204a4e3234 -> len: 0000000F -> K1VK F6BHK JN24]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X lowconfidence : [00]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X modifiers : [00]
2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X frame : [adbccbda0000000200000004000000064c4f474745520451ba68ffffffef3fd99999a0000000000006a7000000017e0000000f4b31564b20463642484b204a4e32340000] 2018/03/22 20:08:29 server.php SEND TO WSJT-X frame envoyee : [68 bytes, UDP: 68]

Hi Serge,

the main issue with this Reply message is that it appears to have been sent to the wrong port. Replies to UDP messages are send back to the sender address and port not to the server address and port. You must capture the original sender's address and port when you receive the datagram you are replying to. The recvfrom() system call provides the sockaddr derived structure containing the source address and port that you need to reply to. Think of it like a return address on the back of an envelope.

Other than the header, message type and optional modifiers field, all reply fields must be the same as those in the originally received decode.


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