The best solution is one simple report for contests of normal operations at least for FT8.  That would seem to eliminate lots of coding.  It is works for a contest, it should work for day to day activities.  People will have to change, will have to upgrade, etc.  Speaking of upgrades has there been any talk of installing some code to alert people that they are using outdated software? This won't help everyone but many!

What generally happened is that after a couple of overs both sides would switch modes and we were back to chasing our tails.  I lost a number of contacts from this.


On 7/24/2018 1:29 PM, Eric Gruff wrote:

Not necessarily. If you call CQ in contest mode, and I answer expecting a "normal" QSO, I may give up when I 
get "NC6K KF2T FMxx". Or, I send "KF2T NC6K -3" and you send "NC6K KF2T R FMxx", and I'm 
ticked off b/c I didn't get a report.

There are several permutations where it would just be simplest to force the 
responding station into the same mode. It won't help people answering a contest 
station who want their signal report, but at least it won't drive everyone 

73 de NC6K

-----Original Message-----
From: George J Molnar <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 9:59 AM
To: WSJT software development <>
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Contest mode CQVHF

Wouldn’t it be simpler to have the sequencer logic respond to R XX## without 
choking? If we can do away with antipodal grids, that should make both modes 
compatible. The sequences will continue and not be lengthened by either or both 
of the operators trying to switch.

George J Molnar
Virginia, USA

On Jul 24, 2018, at 12:51 PM, Mark Spencer <> wrote:

I'd support using an extra FT8 bit to explicitly indicate contest mode (using another extra bit to 
explicitly indicate a "/R" call would also be nice.)   I realize there is a desire to 
keep FT8 and MSK144 functionality as similar as possible (and that MSK144 doesn't have the 
"extra bits" that FT8 has) but in practice I don't believe MSK144 has nearly as many 
contest mode / vs non contest mode issues.


Mark Spencer

On Jul 24, 2018, at 9:38 AM, <> <> wrote:

I also was more than a bit frustrated with the contest mode this past weekend. 
It's not a fault of the software, just that there's no way to know from 
someone's CQ whether they are in contest or QSO mode.

A suggestion that is hopefully easy to code that might fix the problem - add a 
CQ predefined message that includes a binary flag to the software with 0=QSO 
mode and 1=contest mode. Then, when someone double-clicks on the CQ to respond, 
WSJT-X can switch to the appropriate mode. That will also help those of us in a 
contest that want to work non-contesters for points, even though those folks 
don't want to use contest mode.


Eric NC6K

-----Original Message-----
From: W0MU Mike Fatchett <>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 4:37 PM
Subject: [wsjt-devel] Contest mode CQVHF

First of all I want to thank everyone for this great advancement in the hobby!

The CQ WW VHF was my first exposure to contest mode and it was a very
frustrating 27 hours.

If I am in contest mode and I call CQ and get an answer from someone who
is not, there is essentially no way to complete a qso unless one side
changes into or out of contest mode.  What happened to me is I would
switch and then the other side would switch and we would be opposite.

The main issue is that we cannot expect those not in the contest to have
to switch into a specific mode to work us.  This does not happen in any
other contest.  We cannot expect this from casual ops.  I am glad they
want to work me.  Being able to work them should be painless too!

Why is contest mode needed?  If a qso is good in contest mode with less
sequences I suggest that all FT8 exchanges be the same. Is there a
specific reason two have multiple sets of exchanges for in a contest and
not in a contest?  I don't think so.

I understand that this was an issue for the June VHF contest too.

If you guys can move my xmit around in fox/hound mode, which worked out
really well, there has to be a solution for this.  I believe that the
fox was still able to work people not running hound?  We need the same
ability in contest mode.

I believe that this is already being examined but I thought I would give
my feedback.  I would be happy to provide more information if desired.

Thanks again for all the hard work in bringing us FT8!


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