On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:51 PM, Laurie, VK3AMA <_vk3a...@vkdxer.net> wrote:

> On 3/08/2018 8:36 AM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:
>> The main solution was turning on HRD logging :-)
It's actually a little more complicated than that. First, you have to know
that you must turn on that feature. I watched a couple of tutorial videos
on using JTAlert-X to link logging info from WSJT-X to HRD, and neither of
them mentioned this.

Then you have to know exactly what to do. If, in the "Help File," for
JTAlert-X, under Settings, Logging, HRD V5/V6, instead of "Under
Construction," it read, "Once JTAlert-X is communicating with WSJT-X, in
JTAlert-X, go got Settings, Manage Settings, click on the + to the left of
Logging to expand it, and select HRD V5/V6. Check 'Enable HRD V5/V6
Logging.' Check the Log Name and PC IPv4 Address against what HRD Logbook
uses to insure they are identical. Click 'OK,' " that would help.

>> Other things had to do with audio settings for operations, wide graph
>> settings, and such.
>> de Mike W9MDB
> Thanks Mike,
> Hmmm, Not having the logging enabled would not have produced the "Unable
> to communicate with the WSJT-X process" error posted.

You're right. I managed to fix that before the session with Mike. What was
happening was the UDP settings in WSJT-X weren't "taking." When I closed
the program and opened it again, the settings had reverted to their
original, which kept the programs from communicating.  I closed everything
and started again from scratch, and the setting changes persisted.

> de Laurie VK3AMA
> 73,
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