George --

On 9/26/2018 11:31 AM, WB5JJJ wrote:
I'm using RC1 again now, but this also happened when I was running RC2 since it was released.

Why -rc1 ??? The whole point of beta releases is to test and exercise new code. Please use the latest release when helping us in this way.

Some stations are appearing on the .078 frequencies in both normal and 77bit mode simultaneously even though both boxes are checked on their end.  I've run tests with a local and with him CQing in 77b and me checking 77b, he's there and then I go to normal and he's also there.

What prompted this check was I was calling CQ in 77b (both boxes checked and verified) and he texted me saying that several Europeans were responding to my CQ's.  I saw nothing from them in 77b.  Went to normal (both boxes unchecked) and they were indeed responding to me.

Seems the "Always generate 77-bit messages" is actually sending both formats.  How can this be?

Seems clear to me. You had "Decode only 77-bit messages" checked. The station(s) calling you were sending basic messages in "Call_1 Call_2 Grid" or "Call_1 Call_2 Report" format; these are OK in either protocol. Evidently had NOT checked "Always generate 77-bit messages", so the messages were sent in the (default) old format.

Probably your callers had not read the Quick-Start Guide to WSJT-X 2.0. Possibly a language issue.

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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