I expect I will take the 50 MHz rover station out tomorrow morning and try some 
50 MHz MSK144 with rc-3 using the call VE7AFZ/R and with NA contest mode turned 

I aiming to be on the air by 7:30 am pacific on 50.280 MHz, SH on,15 sec 
sequences and Tx first.   I'll beam more or less south from CN89.


Mark Spencer

> On Oct 18, 2018, at 10:57 AM, Mark Spencer <netsyn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> I have switched my home VHF station over to the latest RC version of WSJT-X. 
> I am hoping to be able to test the NA VHF contest and rover functionally over 
> the next few weeks.
> I typically leave the station running and monitoring 144.174 using FT8 and 
> beaming towards the PNW from CN89 and feeding spots to the PSK reporter.
> Ideally I'd like to test the NA VHF contesting and rover functionality on VHF 
> but I can't see any reason why testing on HF wouldn't work as a plan B ?
> For the time being I have set my call to VE7AFZ/R and turned on NA VHF 
> Contest mode.
> 73
> Mark Spencer
> netsyn...@gmail.com

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