
What does the number before the 0 or 1 in ALL_WSPR.TXT represent? I see it as 810 when there's a 1 (new algo) decode

-Jim wa2zkd

On 10/28/2018 12:28 AM, Steven Franke via wsjt-devel wrote:
Hi Rob -

Are you using the same command-line arguments that WSJT-X uses when it calls the decoder? The “Deep” decode setting in WSJT-X v2.0.0-rc3 uses “-C 5000 -o 4”.

Also, it is essential that the decoder in v2.0.0  have access to a well-populated hashtable.txt. Briefly, the enhanced sensitivity is obtained by invoking a new (to wsprd) decoding algorithm if the Fano algorithm fails. The new algorithm always returns a codeword, but only a fraction of these are “good”.  Many of the returned codewords are incorrect and would produce false decodes. Ideally, one would use a CRC to reject the incorrect codewords (as in FT8), but the WSPR message doesn’t include a CRC. Instead, we only accept codewords that unpack to callsigns that we’ve seen before, i.e. callsigns that are in the hashtable. If there’s no hashtable, then we will never accept any of the codewords from the new algorithm. This means that the v2.0.0 decoder becomes more sensitive than 1.9.1 to a particular callsign only after that callsign has been decoded at least once by the Fano algorithm.

Finally, decodes produced by the new decoding algorithm will have a “1” as the last number on the line that is printed in ALL_WSPR.TXT.  Fano algorithm decodes will show a “0”.

I’ve been very pleased with the results here. There have been many nights when all of my MF decodes of VK4YB were produced by the new algorithm.

I hope that this information is helpful,

73 Steve k9an

On Oct 27, 2018, at 10:27 PM, Rob Robinett < <>> wrote:

Hi Steve,

Jim's question was stimulated by tests I have been running at KPH to compare the decode performance of the wsprd in 1.9.1 against the wsprd in 2.0rc3

My test setup is located at KPH where I have one KiwiSDR fed by a 3-30 Mhz  TCI-530 and a second KiwiSDR fed from a Marconi T.  I don't use the excellent wspr decode extension included in the Kiwi, but instead run a bash script on a Raspberry Pi 3B which records a 2 minute  wav file for each band from 2200M through 10 M. Each 2 minutes wave file is then fed first to wsprd 2.0 and logged as KPH2 and then the sme wav file is fed to wsprd 1.9.1 and logged as KPH.  After 24 hours I can find no difference between the KPH spots and KPH2 spots.

The wsprd binaries were obtained by downloading and installing packages from the WSJT-x site and the binaries definitely are different sizes:

pi@KPH-Pi2:/tmp/kiwi-captures $ lrt /usr/bin/wsprd*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 46376 May 30 17:32 /usr/bin/wsprd
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pi   pi   79972 Oct 16 21:32 /usr/bin/wsprd.v2
pi@KPH-Pi2:/tmp/kiwi-captures $

I can see from 'top' that my script is first executing wsprd.v2 and then wsprd, so I am confident in my test methodology. Perhaps I am misusing wsprd.  Before processing each wav file I truncate the ALL_WSPR.TXT file but leave the other files used by wsprd alone.  Could the two wsprd versions depend up the history in ALL_WSPR.TXT or be sharing information in wspr_wisdom.dat or the other support files which influence the results?



On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 3:37 PM, Steven Franke via wsjt-devel < <>> wrote:

    > On Oct 26, 2018, at 2:21 PM, Jim Lill < 
<>> wrote:
    > What is the method to verify my system is indeed enjoying the 1
    dB SNR improvement that 2.0 gives?
    > Thanks
    > Jim
    > WA2ZKD

    Hi Jim,

    You might try turning on “Save All” and running for, say, 24
    hours or even a couple of days. Then you can decode the saved
    batch of wav files using older versions of WSJT-X and with new
    versions, and compare the yield.

    Suppose that you want to compare the WSPR decoder in WSJT-X v
    1.9.1 to WSJT-X v 2.0.0-rc3.

    1. Run with Save All to save a large batch of wav files.

    2. Delete ALL_WSPR.TXT. Start WSJT-X v 1.9.1  and use "File/Open"
    to select the first (earliest) wav file in the batch that you
    saved. This will cause WSJT-X to process that file. Next, select
    "File/Decode remaining files in directory" to process the rest of
    the files. When you have finished processing all of the files,
    ALL_WSPR.TXT will contain all of the decodes. Rename ALL_WSPR.TXT
    to something different, such as ALL_WSPR_1.9.1.TXT, so that it
    will not be overwritten or appended to by subsequent runs.

    5. Make sure that you have moved ALL_WSPR.TXT to a new filename.
    Start WSJT-X v 2.0.0-rc3. Process all files. Rename your
    ALL_WSPR.TXT, e.g. to ALL_WSPR_2.0.0.TXT.

    6. Use your favorite tools to compare the decodes in
    ALL_WSPR_1.9.1.TXT and ALL_WSPR_2.0.0.TXT.

    Here are some results that I obtained back in September:

    Bands monitored: 160/80/40/30/20/17/15/10 (these were monitored
    simultaneously, using my SDR setup)
    Start: 2018.09.13 0128
    Stop:  2019.09.18 2046

    Total 1.9.1 decodes: 45344
    Total 2.0.0 decodes: 52126

    (Number of 2.0.0 decodes) / (Number of 1.9.1 decodes) = 1.15

    Thus, 2.0.0 increased the yield by 15%.

    Note that WSJT-X v1.9.1 contains enhancements that improve
    sensitivity over that of v1.8 and prior versions for highly
    coherent signals, as obtained on LF/MF and sometimes, on 160m.
    Thus, I would expect a somewhat larger yield difference if v2.0.0
    was compared to v1.8. FWIW, the improvements in 2.0.0 are
    expected to increase sensitivity for all signals, regardless of
    how coherent they are.


    Steve k9an

    wsjt-devel mailing list

Rob Robinett
AI6VN <>
mobile: +1 650 218 8896

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