Hi, as others have suggested, almost certain reason for this is during the 1 – 
2 seconds of transmit that you got, your RF took out the USB link between sound 
card and PC.

I can generate this problem on demand just by trying to operate on 160m where 
my loop antenna is extreme high impedance and the rig gets “hot” to RF.

Quit WSJT, unplug the USB interface and replug after a few moments, restart 
WSJT and if necessary use “menu-settings-audio” to direct audio connections 
back to the USB interface should get everything working on Rx.

Of course the RFI problem on TX still needs to be fixed. Check all your 
grounding and run an antenna analyser to see if anything changed out there. As 
suggested, moving stuff around, a bad ground connection, even wind and rain can 
push a marginal system over the edge. Working portable as VK2/G3NJV with a 
simple wire antenna, the dog used to run over and move the tuned radial wires 
lying on the grass and up would pop this problem even though everything worked 
fine just before.

73s Paul G3NJV

From: Richard Solomon <w1...@outlook.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2019 3:30:32 PM
To: wsjt-devel
Subject: [wsjt-devel] Error in Sound Output Message

Everything was working fine yesterday, turned the rig on tday, tried to call
a station, Transmit was aborted about 1-2 seconds into the call.

This error message popped up:


Any idea on the cause ?

Tnx, Dick, W1KSZ

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