Hi Mike,
  Good on the note, but I'd correct the last line "73's".

73 means 'Best Regards'.
73's translates to "Best Regards's" (Regardses)  8-).
I know, picky, picky.

Regarding emailing 'educational' notes, I regularly do so to loud locals
who call CQ on 6 Meter FT8 during the 1st & 3rd 15 second sequences when
the band is open to Europe and Africa.

A TX sequencing convention for openings to Europe/Africa, has been agreed
upon by the majority of 6M DXers. NA stations call CQ only during the 2nd &
4th sequences (Tx even/1st check box UNCHECKED). Very strong out of
sequence stations cause the receiver's AGC to push very weak DX further
into the noise. When all 6M DXers in the region are all using the same Tx
sequence, we all have a better chance to decode weak DX signals.

Later in the day, when it looks like we have possible SSSP propagation to
Japan, the sequencing convention is reversed. North American stations call
CQ during the 1st & 3rd (Even) sequence. JA DXers religiously adhere to
transmitting 2&4 to NA and 1&3 (Even) to Europe.

Rich - K1HTV

= = =
On 7/28/2019 11:01 AM, Black Michael via wsjt-devel wrote:

Attribute it to inexperience....you should contact them and help to
politely educate them.

Something like

         Hi there OM,

Saw you in a QSO with XXXX and after the QSO was complete you called CQ on
the same offset.
You should consider working people in split by choosing a Tx offset that is
clear of other signals (shift click will do that) in the waterfall and
checking "Hold Tx Freq" to keep your offset constant.
Of course I'm sure you know that calling CQ on somebody else's frequency is
a no-no.

de Mike W9MDB
wsjt-devel mailing list

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